Magformers 30 media thumbnails
30 piece Magformers magnetic and colourful play-pieces set
Brightly coloured sphere made from Magformers magnetic shapes
rocket shape made from magnetic Magformers pieces
Boy playing with a colourful shape made outof Magformers.

Magformers 30

Magformers 30 is a perfect set to get started with Magformers or to supplement any other Magformers sets. (Magformers 30 is fully-compatible with all other Magformers sets and pieces.)

Consisting of 12 magnetic triangles and 18 magnetic squares with one colour on one side and a different colour on the other, Magformers offers great educational value: fun, creativity and colour-coding. Children learn to design unique structures using different colours and to build complex 3D structures such as houses, small castles and spheres.

The set includes a model booklet which helps your children build lots of shapes and structures!  

Contributes to creative skills and brain development.  

Award-winning Magformers has over 50 global play and educational awards.

Age 3+
